
Lee Mack - Do Will To Go There Improvisation 03 27 2013

2014-06-16 14 Dailymotion

Improvisation 03 27 20185


Fatherhood tracers freely dive into DNA
Balloons - rhetorical amusement enjoyed
Across clairvoyant generations pass on
Through the rub of hard knuckled - head
Plucking uncles - Why do the sharecrop
Owners keep knock-knocking on doors?
Industrialists frame management window
Software grids forming radiometric elbow
Measuring devices –design greases a fit
Marriage of citizenship to right - naked
Truth intersects off-ramps to ghettos
Barrios and inside red neck Second
Amendment protected stock pens parallel
Railroads crossing sprocket switched side
Alongside - truck routes hum in unison
The squeak of iron and rubber wheels
Singing choruses to cities and to Kismet
Fields divide mall on-ramps intent on
Opportunity - resist the acrimony relative
To poverty and bubbles threatened by
Bio-heating - sweat drips onto commodity
Futures floors –human blood fills waste
Baskets full - distilled at the absolute
Free market plasma state –after Jubilees
Recession and moral risk evaporates
Fatherhood rest - What the destitute
Believes –are promises of leisure time?

Lee Mack copyright 2009. ISBN # 0615318347. Reproduce with
permission only.

Lee Mack
