
Herbert Nehrlich 2 - Rebuttal Poem To L. Beck

2014-06-16 2 Dailymotion

I feel for you my learned friend,
for we all suffer in the end
from those whose machinations cause
great alterations to good laws.
I may not be the first to tell
that we face Heaven, maybe Hell
depending on the mood of those
who think in poetry or prose
up there and hid behind the clouds
and dressed in togas, shawls and shrouds,
what were they thinking when they made
all critters fit to pass the grade,
those error codes contained within
make any shrewd observer grin,
we are not rabbit or gazelle
yet those in power ring the bell
when they decide to call us home
from Liverpool or ancient Rome.
I say we need to stand and shout
that man deserves no bloomin' gout
nor other ills so hear ye Gods,
I bet you gladly, take the odds
you goofed big time, made crap and then
expect us earthlings, women, men
to bail you out by voodo means
and tend to babies, toddlers, teens
until the pension office calls
and summons you to their big halls.
While I am tough and never flinch
at needles, up to one small inch
I question why we need to bare
clean skin to let them part the hair
and jab their poisons deep inside
I say ye Gods have truly lied!

Herbert Nehrlich 2
