
Phil Major - Humans Need Not Reply

2014-06-15 3 Dailymotion

What will happen next?
We’ll declare war thru a text?
Send over missiles with just a “click”

No need to speak to a friend
Type it up and hit send
Google a remedy when you get sick

Download your god
Go pray on a blog
Get saved right on the screen

Shop on line for a drug
Face Book a hug
We get everything from this machine

Sex at its best
When it’s right at your desk
You don’t need to give em your name

Don’t go look for the sun
Just Photoshop one
Fool your self that it‘s just the same

If you feel incomplete
Just hit delete
Then type in another you

Does your life fall apart?
If your blackberry won’t start
Your intravenous cord got pulled

Why go to a show?
Just get it to go
You got enough bytes?

Why touch a face?
You can go any place
I think I’ll download Hawaii tonight

I will not shed a tear
If it all disappears
When the internet pool runs dry

Until then we’ll survive
With our souls on hard drive
Humans need not reply!


Phil Major
