Yea I noe U hurt, But so am I
Been hurtin for awhile, Been comin up nd down,
been waitin nd hopin, I noe wats right nd U do too,
But U won't do nething, Ma feelinz havent changed,
EVERYTHING i sed is true, Past convos still stand,
but im tryin to get a message out, nd it's obvious U get that.
So do SUMTHIN. Take more initiative.
Show U actualli do care. Don't wait until it's too late,
Cuz time is runnin out. I keep givin chance after chance,
nd keep hurtin myself more nd more, nd it's not like it don't show.
I try to put up a front yeah I do, but deep down its all there.
It's expressed in other forms nd all u do is ignore nd dun even try to talk.
I’m dun sayin “I wont Pressure U”
Cuz that route hasn’t worked for the past 3 yrsz
Yea we both got stuff goin on,
But send me a sign nd let me noe wats guud
Dun wanna sit bacc nd wait if it’s not gonna end up ne where
3 more yrsz is a while, if we juss gonna act like there’s nuttin there
Yea I noe u hurtin nd I am too
But I been tryin to ignore my feelinz
Been tryin to focus on wats in front of me
Nd as much as I say I’m not thinking bout u
I noe damn well nd so do mah sistaz,
That I can’t get u outta my system
If u noe it aint goin no where
Then do sumthin, tell me straight out it aint poppin off
Lemme hurt nd get it over wit
But rite now u sendin me on a whole other roller coaster,
One crazier nd more emotional than the one I’m alreadii on
Long twists nd turns nd all I can do
Is sit bacc nd wait nd see
Damn I been doin that for so long
Let’s take a different approach
Candice George