
Darlene Belcher - Crying under the moon

2014-06-15 2 Dailymotion

Bright 'twas the moon that night,
with all the stars in the sky.

I was all alone,
with my back to an old oak.

All i held in my hand was a letter and a rose,
a letter from my beloved betrothed.

My heart hurt, my hands shook, my eyes filled with tears.
Enclosed in the letter was all my forsaken fears.

As i read my heart filled with dread,
as the letter said my betrothed was dead.

My heart hurt, my heart bled;
My betrothed was dead.

The rose i had in my hand,
i held it close to my heart.

And as i held it upon my heart,
i rocked myself as i cried.

I whispered his name under my breath;
in which made me cry more.

I soon began to squeeze the rose,
squeezed it with all my might.

The rose bled upon my heart that night,
it bled as i cried.

I kept squeezing, until i could squeeze no more.
All pain had left me until i was no more.

I fell to the side of the tree with the rose grasped to my heart
and with tears stilled to my face.

All i could hear before my last breath and my eyes closed,
was a wolf howling to the moon.

Darlene Belcher
