
Francis Duggan - Your Judges

2014-06-15 1 Dailymotion

You feel the World's against you and life is so unfair
And they judge you by the way you look and the colour of your hair
And they judge you by your bank account and by the clothes you wear
And your judges are so plentiful around you everywhere.

You rise at dawn to go to work from monday to friday
And you are one who does work hard to earn your every pay
But your faceless judges out there they talk behind your back
And whisper he's not doing as well as his older brother Jack.

You are judged by the work you do and by your Postal Address
And than those who live on 'Highbrow street' they seem to love you less
From an upper class suburb you know of one who is known to the police
But they don't look on her as bad for she's the doctor's niece.

You've thought of moving elsewhere to a City Interstate
But your self righteous judges will be there your achievements to rate
For they are abundant everywhere in country and in town
And they don't need a reason or an excuse to put you down.

And though they judge you on the car you drive and the company you keep
About your many judges do not lose one minute's sleep
For they don't spend all of their waking hours passing judgement on you
They have many to think about for they judge others too.

Francis Duggan
