
WILFRED JOHN - So Much Promise

2014-06-14 0 Dailymotion

So Much Promise

How do I start?
Where do I begin?
There is too much to tell,
So much to get in.

I want to spend time together,
Walking along the sea.
Or to snuggle close by the fire,
Holding you close to me.

So much promise
Is held within you eyes,
Yet it may all be for not,
If I cannot change my appearance..

Can I find the courage?
The strength to communicate?
It would be so easy,
If I new you wanted to participate.

There is a whole world waiting,
it is out there for both of us.
If only we can talk sometime,
and create a deeper trust.

Hopefully, everything will be okay,
and no sorrows will appear.
And after all is said and done,
I can look at what is here.

© 17.6.2005/wilfred John

