
Francis Duggan - Aliba

2014-06-14 819 Dailymotion

She said in my art and paintings I've said all I have to say
And of creating pottery bowls and vases I too might give that away
Each time you sell your work of art you sell some of your soul
And the years on my creativity I feel are taking toll.

So modest in her achievements and so lacking in conceit
And people like Aliba one doesn't meet on every street
Yet unafraid to speak her mind her genius on you shine
And I feel glad to have met her for the pleasure was all mine.

So many miles from Holland where she left in her prime
She remains undiminished by the ceaseless march of time
And she is not all serious she has a humorous side
And to meet her very equal one would have to travel far and wide.

To Holland from South Belgrave in Victoria where she resides today
Lay twelve thousand miles of ocean that seems such a long way
But she feels happy in Australia and contented in her life
This good and inspiring woman to a good man a good wife.

Francis Duggan
