
Frank James Ryan Jr...FjR - C l i m a x...

2014-06-14 19 Dailymotion

Obeisance, your kindly gesture
as if we were captains
of ships passing bow stride,
within human reach, and-
breaching ole 'quatic laws,
yet, e'er in romance -
of this sea, this beautiful sea.
So...What of it, lov', let us dance;
it's just you, me and the sea!

You curtsy,
knees dexterously bent,
your skirt hugging curves,
like black paint on canvass-
looking so tastefully you.

[Oui, tres en-vogue]

You wink...I smile
like the night before,
when we swam for hours,

So Very D E E P..............-

upon white capped rush,
sudden thrust 'n surge
tips foam like cream
whipped and sweet,
a la carte, of course
with mornings exchange
of honeyed mist.

Dawn's tide had come......,
climaxing the night;
'neath sunrise
with a sense of replete,
sensually clamorous,
and much to a random
fishermans dismay,
sitting dockside,
cursing the fast fleeing Flounder,
his expected -
'catch' of the day'!

[El est amour, mon ami]!

C'est fini/FjR

Frank James Ryan Jr...FjR
