
Peter S. Quinn - Needed Poems (From, Rhythmicon - 50 Lead Sheets with Poems)

2014-06-14 15 Dailymotion

Needed poems for everyone
So the world may come to see,
Much is to learn from elevation
If your thoughts are set free;
Lexicons and dictionaries
Are the books for wanna-bees,
Pick em up to your own abilities
And conquer the impossibilities.

Needed poems are always here
With some advantages of thought,
Give or take your fair share
Of what you shouldn't or ought;
Numbers call for others new
Absolute no one accomplishes,
Fresher moments then hitherto
May still get through in wishes.

Needed poems for this old earth
Is a way to get and go along,
Give your ideas new stand birth
And it may become a fortune song;
Use the ancient and useful ways
That so many found and tried,
There might come fortune days
That hard is now to see or decide.

Peter S. Quinn
