
Margaret Alice - I Only Imitate Them, Joyously Entranced 6.11.2008

2014-06-14 1 Dailymotion

Since I believe consciousness came first,
I am at a loss to interpret the statement -
“The universe was born in a Big Bang; ” I
have learnt that both space and time are
illusions of our physical reality

In multifarious realities there is only one big
eternal moment of now; our phantasmogoria
are only props of a certain setting of aware-
ness, to create new scenarios and combine
various aspects in unique constructions

The psychic universe is much vaster than the
limited materialism of modern-day scientists;
quantum physicists have already discovered
only Zen-Buddhists describe reality correctly
as a dance by the Wu-Ling Masters

Only they have mastered the dance of
consciousness, magnetic electricity
manifesting as loving energy; while I
only imitate them, joyously entranced!

Margaret Alice
