

2014-06-14 1 Dailymotion

Your house looks like it has been hit by a tornado
The plates are piled up in the kitchen sink for days
The bedrooms are another mess
All the clothes are scattered all over the floors of the bedrooms
The bathroom is a disaster also
No where woman have kids
The kids don’t help either with the clean up
They make more mess
She has two lives
One at work
The second one should had been at home
But it is not
No where woman is never there for her kids
She spends more time away from home than at home
Her husband should be the one that picks up the pieces
He works in the evenings
And during the day he sleeps away
The kids go to school
No one gives orders
Not even the husband
He tells every one that the house is the no where woman's Responsibility
Which is his wife
They can’t have any visitors because the house looks like it has been Hit by a tornado
When is no where woman going to get her acts together?
When is no where woman going to take some responsibility?
I can’t imagine that in the house of the no where woman you won’t find
Any cockroaches if you look around
No where woman doesn’t live up to anybody's expectation
She tells every one that she will get around to it another time
No where woman keeps promising it
Her husband doesn’t have the nerve to tell the no where woman that Enough is enough
The kids cook the meals for them
But makes more mess than anybody else I know
I hope by Easter this house will be finally clean
I would be ashamed to live like that
No where woman
You will feel better once your house is clean
No where woman
Please spend more time at home
Your family needs you
Please give orders now
I beg you to do it now no where woman
Yes you have time before going to bed
It is not late yet no where woman

Aldo Kraas
