
Aldo Kraas - CHOICES

2014-06-14 4 Dailymotion

The Choices I make
I must live with them
The choices I make
To decide what am I going to eat every day for breakfast, lunch, and
It is me that have to decide
The choices I have to make in what I am going to wear every day
The choices I have to make in what time should I go to bed
The choices I have to make each day is what time I am going to get up Each day
The choices I made each day
That I will listened to my inner voice
The choices I made each day that I will relax
The choices I made each day that I will take a time out when I am tired
The choices I made each day that I will swim in the ocean
And feel that water in my skin
The choices I made each day is to write me a note and to tell myself How much I love my self
The choices I made each day to prove to myself that I am worth Something
The choices I made each day to prove to myself that I want to get out
As much of life as I can
The choices I made each day that I will work hard to control my anger
The choices I made each day that I will see my friends again
The choices I made that I will not Isolate myself any more
The choices I made that I will open my eyes and see eye to eye
What other people see of me
The choices I made each is to enjoy the last days of summer
The choices I made each day is to be more positive and to have a Positive outlook in my life
The choices I made each day is to keep my spirit alive
The choices I made each day is to stop arguing with people because I Am tired of that
The choices I made each day is to stop my bleeding heart
The choices I made each day is that I need to see my bright side
The choices I made each day is to walk with God
The choices I made each day is to sing me a song to sleep
The choices I made each day is to tell God thanks for this day and for Being alive

Aldo Kraas
