
cindy stubbs - Playboy Bunny Exposed

2014-06-13 122 Dailymotion

Ishtar the playboy bunny
Just look at that goddess honey
Deceiving Christians throughout the land
Paganism on a global span

Easter the queen of heaven
Added to religion as mass leaven
She’s a bloody princess that will take your salvation
Put you in her little basket with no hesitation

They know its paganism, but the Messiah will understand
And if he doesn’t, they just don’t give a damn
It’s that the little kids enjoy it so
All those colored eggs, like Easter row

I’m sure god will love these little colored eggs
Fertility rites, that Astarte begs
The queen of heaven is who they confess
Will they call on her to get them out of this end times mess

Will Ishtar answer the call of the crowd
When the Creator returns for all that bowed
He says don’t worship a god or goddess, I hope you know
This Easter thing is Lucifer’s show

Side note:

I was a pagan Christian at one time
Raised with Santa, Easter, and Halloween
I’ve repented now and put the Messiah first
I hope that my poems might make you question and search
My love is for all
I hate to be ruff
But we live in troubled times
There are spirits that are locking our minds shut
Programming on all levels that we can’t see
The hope that you will search out truth, is my plea
Just remember family traditions can be wrong
The evil one has an interest in filing you into a religion
I will no longer be involved in any man made religion
I hope you understand
I obey the Creator and the Messiah like they command
I’m cleaning out the leaven before the big burn
Lost sheep, QUESTION, QUESTION, QUESTION, every thing you know

cindy stubbs
