
Peter S. Quinn - Spring Spring Here I Come (published at 'sheetmusic publishing')

2014-06-13 10 Dailymotion

Spring spring here I come
Just like the fluffy air
Bring me a guitar so I may strum
To the singing of singing everywhere!
I'll be so lighthearted then
With my desires in my eyes
Flying through fancies again
Loosing up winter ties

Yesterdays just got too old
With many a moods I once did share
Easily adjustable twofold
Gusting its March fanfare
La la la! - I'm so glad how its turning
This wheel that's turned on
Desires everlasting yearning
Until the hue is gone

What is so differently with this light?
Into my windows gasping
So there'll be no more lonely night
Into my dreams trespassing
Sweet of you too remember me
Just like those birds singing
I shall be thoughtless and carefree
Together - we'll be happiness stringing!

Peter S. Quinn
