YOLO, a 4 letter word that stands for so much more,
a term that kicks down fear's deadbolted, padlock halted, barricaded front door,
a phrase that has been uttered more times in an absence of thought than sick, sweet, cool, chill, dope and whatever put together,
where you pit yourself against your friends to see who can do whatever 'it' is better,
and even if you failed horribly.....you tried and thats all that matters,
sure you broke your leg,6 fingers and left youre insides tattered, but you tried,
and while YOLO lives on, you nearly died,
but lived at the same time for the mear fact that you survived,
forever cements your legacy to those who have witnesses with their own eyes,
death is seen as nothing more than a shadow that follows you,
as you make your way through life,
for with all the things to fear in life,
your only fear is time,
YOLO is not 'You Only Live Once'...
it is the drunken dorm student who in a running stumble backflips off a roof to a pool near by,
it is the risk takers and world record breakers where 'I just wanted to do it' was their own reason why,
Y-O-L-O, to that some may say hell no, but to others it is an experience worth living,
because when your broken down and fragile,
feeble and rarely feeling agile,
it is the stories of past glories you pass on to your grandchildren,
YOLO, the highschool students in mid-party wearing their Nautica, Hilfiger, and Polo,
YOLO, chasing every impossibility even if your riding solo,
YOLO, a cannonball over lines drawn while those fearing mearly tiptoe,
dream a silly dream, and while the world may mock and say no,
charge back at the world as if a bull declaring, 'YOLO'.
Stephen Mateus