
Frank James Ryan Jr...FjR - F o x... In... B r a s s

2014-06-13 16 Dailymotion

Tawny beige, young crystal fox...
carries her arrogance well,
poisingly... upon narrowed wood;
so dexterous, so 'smooooth', deft,
she could hold a waterford flute
brimmed with the finest grapes
'tween thumb and fore-finger,
spin at edge of a runway,
with a look-away wink
without a blink;
not a drop of red
lost from the glass.

No Gaultier Catwalk,
this be mere prologue
to an attitude dripping
so hubrisly,
stare-down damn angrily,
passing the concourse
of all that's en vogue,
strutting... stamping
toe o'er toe -
smiling inside... such paradox.

Dramas' never seen the likes of her before,
Marie Claire and Elle hold your breath;
tomorrows new fox in brass has arrived!

Frank James Ryan Jr...FjR
