
Michael Gale - Did A Carpenter Hammer The Nails Into The Carpentered Body Of Jesus?

2014-06-13 21 Dailymotion

God was a carpentered creator of all...
Jesus Christ was a preaching perfect carpenter with his back put against the cross'es wall.

Was it a carpenter that pounded those nails through the holy son's wrist's and legs? ...
It was nails used not wooden pegs.

Could it have been a Blacksmith that hammered those nails? ....
Many believe that the story of Jesus Christ is truer of the truest of man's tales.

The sun's light that fateful day was blocked from others on earth
to view during that darkened way...
God's own son was forced with his own life to pay.

Sins foregiven sent down to man...
Was God's very own predestined holy most plan.

We today do not have our own crosses to bear...
Just as some of our fellow women or men don't really care.

How does earthly men of today continue in sin? ...
For in the long run they will lose not win.

Michael Gale
