
Louise Myers - Prayer Warriors

2014-06-13 15 Dailymotion

P rayer is just having conversation with God,
R eserved time no matter where you trod,
A lways remember to praise Him above,
Y ielding yourself and showing Him love,
E verything being prayed in His Will,
R eady for His answers to our request to fill,

W hen you pray, know that He hears,
A lways wanting to brush away the tears,
R emember in His timing there may be a wait,
R emembering His timing never early nor late,
I ntercede to Him when others are weak,
O n behalf of those always His face do seek
R est in the fact that He hears every cry,
S avior and Lord, on Him do rely.

God Bless all who are Prayer Warriors.

Louise Myers
