

2014-06-13 1 Dailymotion

Lord touch me tonight for I need revival in my soul
Renew my heart from within
Walk beside me as tomorrow a new life begin

Teach me to guard my tongue
When words should not be spoken
Turn my head away from sin
Then when I stray off the main road
Place my feet upon the right road again

Let me not look backwards but forward
Help me not lose hope
Help me to hang on until you rescue me
When I feel I have reached the end of my rope

I don’t care what failures I have in my past
My sins are forgiven and guilt shall not last

I will praise you Lord all of my days
I will glorify your name
I will pray for lost souls more
I will tell everyone who will
Listen that you my “God”
I eternally adore!
©Copyright 2004 Becky LaPrarie

Becky LaPrarie
