love is...
that a hiding feelings, which you can`t explain it by words..
which go around and every where, in this world..
looking about its waiting chance, to enjoy the feelings...
and you charm the eyes and the hearts...
quietness sneak into, and to settle down in the mind and the heart, against of you...
inside of the heart, to own the heart and the passion..
to control on you...
the love is that feelings which can own the person from inside...
and to take him around the world as it wish,
with its happiness or its sadness...
wander him any where even on the seas,
and to walk on the seas without diving into deeply inside...
the love....
is that tasty epidemic, which infect all people without exception..
has its magnetic, which attract all together....
and without love, life never to continue in any planet...
love has many great meanings and definitions,
differ from one to another lover..
every lover has his private imagination and definition to the meaning of love...
and has his way in loving...
that is my imagination about that great words..
by: [email protected]
By hazem02
hazem al jaber