
Charles Chaim Wax - Various Aspects of Divine Knowledge

2014-06-13 5 Dailymotion

On my way to Meng’s in Coney Island
I spotted Bird, hadn’t seen him
for a couple of months, still had
that easy laugh, but looked older
worn, hair turned greyer,
talking to a fellow wearing a yellow baseball cap
telling Bird he better get straight with the Lord
because wine wasn’t doing him any good.
Bird said, “Jesus don’t mean nothing to me.”
Joe Delaney appeared.
The man with the baseball cap
handed Bird a sheet of Bible information
saying, “Read this for comfort.”
“Are you a Preacher? ” Delaney asked.
“My name is Wilbert Taaffe,
servant of the Lord.”
“Been thinking about the Almighty a lot, ” said Delaney,
“and I was wondering if God laughs.”
Taafee simply said, “Listen to Jesus.”
Bird lifted a bottle of Thunderbird
from his back pocket, swallowed
deeply, finished off the pint, then said,
“God's laughing at you right now, Delaney.”
Then turning to me asked, “Got cash, Bernstein.”
I slipped him a dollar, and off he went
the liquor store just down the block,
Taafee after him, why I don’t know
because that dollar would be spent.
Delaney closed his eyes
and missed Fanny wheeling a miniature Collie
in a cherry red baby carriage.
“Have mercy on my soul, ” she said.
I reached into my pocket
and gave her all the change I had, $1.30.
Then to Delaney: “Have mercy on my soul.”
Silence, Delaney listening for Heavenly tones.
“Mister, mister, ” said Fanny.
not deterred, pork chops on her mind
also applesauce and the almost real mint jelly.
Finally stepping on his toe and again:
“Have mercy on my soul.”
Delaney’s eyes popped open
saw the carriage, no baby, only the tiny Collie.
Once more: “Have mercy on my soul.”
“He don’t speak to me, ” Delaney moaned
as I handed a five to Fanny.

Charles Chaim Wax
