Don't be afraid little one
You are safe within me
To keep you happy I will hum
Please be calm, my precious one.
You are being fed quite well
I know because my tummy rumbles
I have the feelings of sickness
As you reach out for my nutrients.
At night I think of you
My mind wonders about many things
What will you be boy or girl
What will you look like.
I want to hold you in my arms
But God tells me you are not ready
He adds to you every day
And while I work so does He.
My tummy stretches and expands
I look misshapen and kind of funny
I hope someday to see my feet
I'm okay because you are content.
Some days you box and kick
What a commotion and I laugh
What are you doing in there
Are you wanting out, sweet one.
You are okay, stay a while longer
I am certain God is almost finished
Can I sing a song to help you sleep
Let's get some rest for now.
Your time is coming soon
Your Dad and I are excited
Please forgive us if we cry
When we first lay eyes on you.
Vanice Wells