
Herbert Nehrlich - Styrofoam

2014-06-12 9 Dailymotion

A bull who was a trifle bored
and tired to see humans gored,
had wandered through the market square
inhaling, as he went, the air.

A sign caught his now roving eye
and he decided to stop by.
But as he entered through the door
a precious vase fell to the floor.

And two more steps produced much noise
he had discovered novel toys.
'Have you', he asked the owner, 'Pop
seen bulls inside a china shop? '

The man, who, close to ninety- five
was happy to be still alive,
but answered 'Taurus, listen, dear
you truly have no business here.'

At this the bull became offended
so much that he at once upended
the chair that Pop was occupying
and sent the whole contraption flying.

Yet it so happened that a saucer
had rested on a book by Chaucer.
Upon the lap holding a cup,
it, too escaped theChina Shop.

The saucer caused some turbulence
and started cruising, in a sense.
And Pop, or so it would appear
still travels through the Stratosphere.

As you can see, not all that seems
incongruent, by any means
and be it Paris, Lourdes or Rome,
no china left? Use styrofoam.

Herbert Nehrlich
