
James Schevill - A Screamer Discusses Methods of Screaming

2014-06-12 39 Dailymotion

We all scream, most of us inside.
Outside is another world.
A neighbor fills her television dinner
With too much pepper and screams.
One woman stabs her door with a sword.
Another, overweight, steps in the shower
And screams, 'Fat! Fat! Fat! '
A man who takes flying lessons
Soars high in the clouds to scream.
Another dives to the bottom of his pool
Where he screams underwater.
A friend cleans his gun, screaming, 'Assasin! '
I like an interior, smiling scream.
When you walk past me on the street
I nod my head to you, and smiling, scream.
You never hear me through the smile.
The inside scream has no echo.

James Schevill
