
Midifo Yearns - Death's Face

2014-06-12 3 Dailymotion

Death, O death you always seemed so far away
I lived with you as I do with each and every day
Unconcerned and unafraid I let you be
I noted not your faster pace, I did not see.

But now O death you stare me in the face
And fearful I begin to run a whole new race
To get away from all that you would seem to bring
Of tasteless song that I could never wish to sing

And yet in truth I must admit you are a friend
For through your door a whole new life true Life doth send
Your sting O death is but in fear of unknown space
And conquered when with love we do that fear embrace.

All powerful though you may so often seem
You cannot squash in me or mine the dream
‘Be not proud O death’, said poet Donne
‘for die thou shalt...’ in victory given
Love embraced; for Christ is risen
And in Him, your power subsides behind the smile
that falls so gently on the face of life.

Midifo Yearns
