
Bob Gotti - Forgave, Saved and Raised

2014-06-12 2 Dailymotion

The Spirit sent from Jesus Christ, came and my heart He engaged.
Christ became for all a sacrifice, and all of my sins Christ forgave.
And by the blood of Jesus Christ, a sinful soul by Christ was saved.
From the grave He came to life, and now my life Christ has raised.

The Holy Spirit Christ sent to us, came from The Father up above.
Who had sent to us His Son Jesus, to the entire world by His Love.
And in His Son we place our trust, as we look to The Father above.
God then purges us of worldly lust, by filling us with Christ like love.

Christ forgave me of all my sin, when I accepted Him into my heart.
He cleansed my heart deep within, and gave me a brand new start.
And The Spirit that was sent from Him, from my life shall not depart.
The Spirit helps me avoid all sin, as He guides my mind and heart.

As a darkened soul I was saved, through the blood of Jesus Christ.
With the very life that Christ gave, He paid for all the ultimate price.
From my life that was so depraved, He gave to me brand a new life.
And so this life, back to Him I gave, to be for Jesus a living sacrifice.

Men who once knew me are amazed, as I live like an innocent dove,
As now with Him I’ve been raised, seated in the Heavens up above.
Where He’s to be forever praised, for what’s truly God’s Eternal Love.
And I may never look on my grave, if soon raptured to His side above.

(Copyright ©01/2006)

Bob Gotti
