
Audrey Heller - A Good Deed

2014-06-12 60 Dailymotion

Don't let a day go by, without acknowledging,
someones good deed. We all like to hear nice
things as it helps the one, who's in need. It's
not very often, one will go out of their way, by
being nice. It's something, one should do often
and not have to think about twice. Who doesn't
thrive on kindness and being noticed, once in a
while? All it takes is a firm shake of the hand and
a warm and cheery smile. You get enough of
those, who live in their own world and haven't
anything, nice to say. They go around, feeling
miserable and it rubs off on you, some way. As
long as you're able, be kind and pleasant to
someone and in the long run, it will be returned.
This is a very good lesson, all of us, should have

Audrey Heller
