
Twilight Saga Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg Interview - Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2

2014-07-28 1 Dailymotion

Exclusive Screen Addict interview with Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg - the writer behind the entire Twilight Saga. Ben Lyons interviews Melissa Rosenberg about her latest Twilight film, Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2, which marks her fifth Twilight film. They discuss the process of adapting Stephenie Meyer's famous novels, writing Twilight love scenes and the casting decision behind Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Plus, Melissa talks about writing for Dexter, The OC, Party of Five, Step Up and the upcoming ABC series Red Widows. What is your favorite Melissa Rosenberg script?

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Ben Lyons -- http://goo.gl/dxfsW

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wKfPbpn7-Q
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 Release Date - November 16, 2012

Summary - Bella is enjoying her new life and new powers, after the birth of their daughter, Renesmee. Soon, however, their family bliss is threatened again, by a new menace. Vampire Irina believes a child like Renesmee could challenge the power and existence of the Volturi. As Irina rallies the Volturi to destroy this potential threat, Bella and the Cullens - together with any allies they can assemble - are preparing to fight a crucial, ultimate battle, to protect their family.