
Robocop Remake - As It SHOULD Have Been - CineFix Now

2014-08-01 26 Dailymotion

We took part in a fan project called "Our Robocop Remake," which went live this morning. It's classic Robocop, but with song, dance and parody. By fans, for fans. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

It was a massive collaboration which gave 50+ groups of video makers the chance to retell a scene from the 1987 movie. We did an interpretive dance of Murphy's murder, but others did musical interludes, animated segments, and puppets.

Check out our dance scene: http://youtu.be/x4FBFFrC3Cw

Check out "Our Robocop Remake" here: http://www.ourrobocopremake.com/

What did you think of "Our Robocop Remake"? What was your favorite segment? If you could put a spin on a scene from one of your favorite movies, what would you want to do?

Let us know in the comments below!

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