
Official: Justice League, a Film By Zack Snyder - CineFix Now

2014-08-01 43 Dailymotion

Warner Bros officially announced they were officially making a Justice League movie. Also not surprising (but divisive): Zack Snyder will direct. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Given that Man of Steel was a pretty divisive movie in and of itself, this is sure to draw reactions from all over the Internet and the comics world. We have some thoughts, but we want to hear yours!

Read the Wall Street Journal article on the subject here: http://goo.gl/G4j5MJ

So, what's your reaction to the news? Anyone you'd like to see try their hands at the DC Universe in the future? Anyone you'd have preferred for Justice League? Any speculation for how Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, will play out in this new franchise? How are they going to handle the Green Lantern continuity?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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