
Joss Whedon Wants You to Watch IN YOUR EYES, NOW! - CineFix Now

2014-08-01 14 Dailymotion

No, Seriously. He said so, right after the screening of "In Your Eyes," the film he wrote and produced, premiered at Tribeca. And you really should. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Backing up a bit, Joss Whedon wrote and produced "In Your Eyes," which was directed by Brin Hill. And it's not coming soon. It's out NOW. Just hop over to Vimeo and rent it for $5. Go ahead, we'll wait:

This is the latest in Joss Whedon's pattern of going around the system to get his original works produced and released. "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" had iTunes, "Much Ado About Nothing had a limited theatrical release, And now "In Your Eyes" is trying out the Vimeo On Demand platform.

But the truly remarkable thing about this movie is that you can watch it knowing absolutely nothing about it. Nothing. No Reviews, no spoilers, not so much as a plot summary (that is, if you haven't watched THIS video or read the comments yet).

So... Go WATCH IT.

Now that that's done, what did you think of the movie? What did you think it means for the future of film distribution? For the future of Joss Whedon? Did you like "In Your Eyes?" Did it live up to whatever expectations you had?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! (Warning: comments may contain spoilers and plot points).

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