
Francis Duggan - Do not Judge Me By My Verses

2014-06-12 3 Dailymotion

I have been seen as negative as one who doesn't believe in hope
And 'twould seem with day to day existence I find it hard to cope
But don't judge me by my verses as my verses are not me
And there is more to a person far more than the eye can see.

There is far more to people than what they write or say
For everybody looks at life in quite a different way
And from the mistakes that we make we have some price to pay
And why should one be seen as wise because their hair is gray? .

I write about the battler who has been scarred by life
And I write about the poor bloke who grieves for his dead wife
And I write about the down and out who always seems to lose
And the sad and battered woman that her husband did abuse.

I talk about the hungry who live from hand to mouth
And those who know of the hard life and what the hard times are about
And though I write about the many who live in poverty
Don't judge me by my verses for my verses are not me.

Francis Duggan
