Outside my window free and free like the sound of silence
Beautiful and exquisite making me ecstatic
The little raindrops does fall
Makes me smile, brings me peace
To my troubled mind, I do agree
That nature does balance it all
For me this rain in summer
This cool mist in the midst of heat
It did its purpose, I reflect
My mind is now at rest
This sound, this music above all
Doth bring me happiness Im surprised
I only wish that this would last
Till I find another source to laugh
Through the open windows water does fall
Inside my room, that needs some cheer
What more can I say, You did the impossible
You did cheer me up when all was lost
I do not feel lonely, my heart is glad
For beauty does still exist in this world
No need think that hope is lost
When rain is always there to fall
This endless stream of tears for good cause
Im thankful to you till the end of my life
You did remind me that life is not always hard
I shalt very well remember this lesson through out the fall
The fragrance of the damp earth does mesmerize me
Th scent that no perfume has ever copied
Nature does present us with little surprises
When down the road we do travel
This coolness that slips down my heart
It does make my breathing less hard
Oh! I wish it rained yesterday and all days before
Then I never would have been sad
Im happy now, Im at peace
This gift I shall be pleased with
Today, tomorrow and forever
And every morrow from now on
For to be alive to be alive to see this wonder
Is the gift of all, I surrender
Nature does put me off my plight
It did inside me shine a light
The burden is now off my chest
I have received the greatest gift!
Abhitha Sathiyaraj