All this time, all the lies, the forced pain of all the ignorance.
Wake up and smell your coffin, yesterday is tomorrow and you'll never sleep.
Again this time, it's come again.
Stand up, kneel down, bend over, kiss the ground.
No! The decision at hand, is the path at foot.
The indecisive past of an unknowing future.
You'll know the truth when you see it,
hidden plainly in a room full of nothing.
Make your decision quick,
cause you've only got til the clock strikes now.
What never was and will always be.
The worst of it all, is you know what you see.
This time is the only time, just like the last time,
only now, you've drawn the line.
No! It's not the same, it's different!
You've done this before, and you'll do it again.
Or will you? Why shouldn't you? Why wouldn't you?
Sick of this, sick of it all!
No more time, I've heard my call.
And in the end, was it all in vain,
or did you make it this time?
Don't cry, it's only pain.
Syadin Domiscus