They say friends, are forever,
that friends truly care;
Friends are like family,
and that they can be rare.
Friends, always help you,
when no one else, will;
Friends, they inspire,
when life goes down hill.
A friend, they can be trusted,
to be there, for you;
When the world turns it's back,
a friend will come through.
A friend is a partner,
a hand there to hold;
A shoulder to cry on,
when the world seems, ice cold.
A friend sees the good,
inspires all your best;
A friend doesn't hurt you,
or leave you a mess.
A friend is for life,
in good times and in bad,
wiping your tears,
if ever you're sad.
A friend always loves you,
and never lets you down;
A friend is your date,
for a night on the town.
A friend is the phone call,
that asks how you are,
when no one else cares,
a friend is not, far.
A friend doesn't hurt you,
or make you cry.
Friends don't reject you,
or tell you lies.
A friend is forever,
true friends never leave;
True friends walk with you,
as you follow your dreams.
And when you are old,
and your time is here;
May the hand of a friend,
be there for you; be forever near.
Ann Marie Forest