For quite a long time, since the days of my childhood
Which spent it
In searching,
Searching and searching so earnestly
But found I not,
The wisps and whiffs of romanticism not,
But the glow and glisten of the classical scholarship
Radiating just like the golden wheat ears.
Where that unknown scholar, where that classical scholar
Living his life simply,
Making the people aware of,
Where his vast scholarship and reading,
Where his experience,
Knowledge and wisdom,
Gravity and perseverance, sobriety and ethics,
Sense of morality and duty-bound nature?
Where the poor and humble scholar introducing not himself
In the public,
Averting the public gaze and notice,
Where his vast reading and accumulation of knowledge,
His love and admiration of metaphysics,
Where his morality and spirituality,
Where his sobriety and ethics,
Where that classical scholar,
Where his classicism?
When he crosses over the river, the shepherd boys and girls
Talk of his going, crossing over the dry river bed,
Interrupt and intercept they
To give him a bouquet of wild flowers,
The scholar gipsy in the gait of his,
Into the smiles and living of his own,
With nothing to put an air,
Just going simply, just living simply
Without caring for
What the wide world takes him for.
Bijay Kant Dubey