
Francis Duggan - We Learn Until We Die

2014-06-11 20 Dailymotion

We learn something new from living and from Nature every day
And you never do stop learning though the years have left you gray
So much to learn of flora flowers, weeds, grasses, shrubs and trees
And of insects that fly and crawl and of wasps and flies and bees
Of the mammals and birds and fish of the waterways and of the lakes and seas
That live in different environments of varying climate and degrees
The birds and animals of land so many species Worldwide
A different sort of beauty to be seen in every countryside
'Tis hard to disagree with those who say that the wise are only few
But every day on our life's journey we learn something new
The lessons learned from the elders of our young years we retain
They are embedded in our memories and through life with us remain
It has always been a fact of life and facts do never lie
That as long as memory serves us we learn until we die.

Francis Duggan
