
E.S.P. (Eggs, Sausage & Peas) by Jonathan Royale - Mentalism Magic

2014-06-11 10 Dailymotion

E.S.P. (Eggs, Sausage & Peas) by Jonathan Royale at Tricks.co

Available from http://tricks.co/esp-9799


Egg, Sausage & Peas (E.S.P) Revealed


Within these 3 amazing DVD-ROMs Psychic Chef Jonathan Royle reveals to you every ingredient for Mind Reading Success.

Through over Ten Hours of video footage, of which 5 hours is of live performances and the rest is detailed teaching of the Secrets and Psychological ploys used, you will learn every nuance of Royles complete two and a half hour "Egg Sausage Peas" (E.S.P) Mentalism & Mind Reading Show.

Learn Arguably one of the most impressive ACAAN routines ever devised (which has 3 killer endings) through to several variations and methods for Spike Russian Roulette including a Completely Safe method that has had Experienced Magicians and Mentalists Scratching their heads wondering "How The Heck is That Done?"

Other routines include a Long Distance Mobile Phone Telepathy effect where an audience members friend called on the phone becomes the mind reader through to an amazing Book Test Style Routine that has a unique ending that is both Surprising and Hilarious to the audience and often results in standing ovations!

The Unique & Truly Entertaining Chair Test with no Chairs that turns audience members into A-List Celebrities will be a favourite of many who study this set, whilst others will grab themselves lucrative T.V. Shows and Extensive Publicity (as Royle Has done for years) using the Psychic Belly Button Reading & Psychometry Routines taught within.

Larry Becker's "Make The Cards Match" is brought to life for the stage in a manner that makes it even more impressive and mind-blowing to the audience, whilst also helping to ensure you Maximum Applause and even Standing Ovations at the end of your shows.

With a Varied mixture of Completely Original Material and highly Original Slants & improvements on the Classics this will prove to be an invaluable set for all Mentalists and Magicians, not least for its extensive training and examination of how to "Pack Small and Play Massive" and also how to routine and structure your acts and shows for maximum effect and audience response.

Studying the contents of this video package and the bonus Ebooks and Audios you will also learn dozens of other reputation making effects and feature routines and in many cases templates for actual props are included, in all cases you are granted Legal Performance Rights.

You will also receive secret links to online viewing Access to another almost 40 hours of liquid gold information packed Mentalism & Stage Hypnosis Training Videos which usually sell separately for many times the small cost of this unrivalled package alone!

Jonathan Royle has travelled the World Performing for high profile clients and regularly been featured on Television Shows and in the Media for well over two decades and now within this set he Reveals all (and we do mean all) of the main Secrets of his Unique Approaches to Mentalism, Cold Reading & Hypnosis.

Not only will you learn every element of his Stage Mentalism Show, but as a bonus you will also learn every Secret of his Comedy Stage Hypnosis Show, together with Exactly how for years he gave profitable and highly accurate Tarot and Astrology Readings.

These Secrets Are Supplied under License and these DVD-ROMS and their contents may not be re-sold, hired out, given away or shared in any manner.

#mentalism #esp #magictricks #JonathanRoyale #TricksCo #WorldOfMagic