
Morgan Michaels - Fragment II

2014-06-11 0 Dailymotion

As though we'd read the whole of Valery?
Imagining Baudelaire? Montparnasse? Vass?
Watching the wind run, not unkindly, the lemon grass through,
The eulogy politely borne, if not too long,
A bid to live-memento mori, honey-
Ah, you too?
Observe a silent moment for the dead
Give what we can give and hustle on
Back to the car
Like the good Americans we are?
Shall the sun not cover its face and wheel, fiery, away
Shall the sound not jar us to the bone?
The rain of loam,
Hiss, crunch...thanks, a bunch of violets at the head.
Shall we not do as so few and so many have done?
Noses rubbed in the gist of nothingness?
Sing a hymn? Boo-hoo.
Sorry, babe, I have another trust. Do you?

Morgan Michaels
