
Francis Duggan - We Learn From Our Mistakes

2014-06-11 1 Dailymotion

We learn from our mistakes some are known to say
But for our every mistake there is some price to pay
And i must be slow witted for i can recall
That from my past mistakes I've not learned at all
But my type of person 'twould seem is not rare
And plenty more like me in the big World out there
Some are quick witted and learn rather fast
Whilst others keep repeating mistakes of the past
We should learn from our mistakes when all is said and done
Though some never learn and of those i am one
And each mistake we make not good for our self esteem
But to err is to be human or so it does seem
And that we learn from our past to all does not apply
And why some repeat their mistakes i do wonder why?

Francis Duggan
