
Waffle House Refuses To Let Waitress Keep $1000 Tip

2014-06-10 2 Dailymotion

Working for tips is unpredictable, and some days are certainly better than others. At 3 am on Mother’s Day a waitress at a Waffle House in Raleigh, South Carolina got the surprise of a lifetime – a one thousand dollar tip.

Working for tips is unpredictable, and some days are certainly better than others.

At 3 am on Mother’s Day a waitress at a Waffle House in Raleigh, North Carolina got the surprise of a lifetime – a one thousand dollar tip.

The catch is that the restaurant wouldn’t let her keep it.

On the night the tip was left, a man who’d just dined on a patty melt filled in the tip line with the amount of 15 hundred dollars.

He said to the waitress, “I’m going to bless you tonight.”

One thousand of the sum was for her, and the patron asked that she give the remaining 500 dollars to a woman at a nearby table who was looking a little worse for the wear.

While that sounds like the kind of miracle that only happens in the movies, it could have actually happened in real life.

That is, if the restaurant hadn’t intervened after he left and, due to their zero tolerance large tip policy, immediately refunded it to the Good Samaritan.

Luckily, a local columnist was able to reach the man who will reportedly write a check to the waitress, ensuring she gets the money he intended for her.

Sadly, the 500 dollars meant for the female customer may never reach her.