
1-Allaah Can Lie-Deobandi Belief-WHY THE DIFFERENCES?

2014-06-03 26 Dailymotion

Akhir Ikhtilaaf Kyun- Why the Differences- Aqeedah
God can tell a lie.
Allamah Maulana Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
God can tell a lie. Name of the book is Fatawaa Rasheediyah, page 19 Volume 1. Sir please show and explain us the origin of this reference?
Allamah Maulana Kaukab Noorani:
Your purpose is that all the references I have given in my book “Deoband to Bareilly”, I should present to the viewer the original books from where I have taken them so that people would come to know that these are true given and not fake. The first book is Fatawaa Rasheediyah from which I have taken reference for my book Deoband to Bareilly and you referenced it. Its title is Fatawaa Rasheediyah Part one, dated 1363 Hijri and published by Raheemia Khutub Khanna Urdu Bazar Book Delhi. The name of the book is Fatawaa Rasheediyah Mubawab Volume one, you referred to its page 19.
This is the page 19, in which he wrote [Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi] “Possibility of telling lie is that lie is in Allaah’s power” then again he writes again here, “Lie is in the power of Allaah” then writes again “lie is in Allaah’s power.” Here again is written that lie is in the powers of Allaah means that a lie is not out of Allaah’s powers.
In this sentence what he [Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi] is trying to say is that lie is in the power of Allaah to further prove this the reference is given by him is that Allaah is
“Wa Huu Wa A’laa Qulli Shai’in Qadeer”
Meaning Allaah is Omnipotent”, if HE is Almighty and Al Qaadir then a lie is also part of his Being Al Qaadir.
This is the reference of the book “Fatawaa Rasheediyah” part one published in Delhi India. They published this book in collection with the name of “Talifaat-e-Rashhediyah” in Karachi. This is its inner title page, “Talifaat-e-Rashhediyah with Talifaat-e-Rashhediyah” written by Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi and is published by Islaamiat Organization, Anarkali Lahore and they have given them high epithets. Even in this book that thing is present, first we would see list of contents that they have arranged. Kitab ul Aqaid page18, topic is “The Attribution of Lie to Allaah”, at page 98 same scripts is given “possibility of telling lie is that lie is in Allaah’s power” means Allaah can tell a lie, God forbid, God forbid (Ma’aazal’ Laah summa Ma’aazal; Laah). I seek Allaah Ta'alaa’s shelter. If anyone blames me for writing this sentence from myself, I have shown the original books from those I have taken these sentences.
If this is not enough I can further explain it with the help of third book I have “Tazkiratur Khaleel” written by Khalil Anbethwi, published by Qasmia Publishing House Rangpur Road in Sialkot City. Have a glimpse of its inner title as well “Tazkiratur Khaleel”, here the names of people have written who have contributed to this book though the book is written by Aashiq Ilaahie. It was published in 1969; see on the page 135, here it is written clearly that this is totally confirmed that what is in the capacity of man is in the powers of Allaah. It gives meanings that what a man can do is also in the powers of Allaah Ta'alaa. It suggests that if man has ability to tell a lie, Allaah Ta'alaa can also tell a lie. He is proving his point by saying that if we say that a man can do something that is not in the powers of Allaah Ta'alaa it seems that Allaah’s powers lacks in comparison with human being. With this argument they are initiating that it is possible that Allaah Ta'alaa can have all the flaws.
Furthermore, there is another argument in the book “Al-Jahd- ul-Muqeel” written by Maulana Mahmud Hasan, the teacher of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi. This is its inner title and it was published by Madinia Publishing House Urdu Bazar Lahore, written on the topic of the problem of Lie in Allaah Ta'alaa ’s powers and is stated as the best book by them. This book that I have was published in Shabaan 1409 Hijri from Lahore which I have with me. On its page 41, behold its statement that how can we rule out bad deeds from the most ancient Allaah Ta'alaa powers. It tells that wrong doings are also in Allaah Ta'alaa powers. If I have referred that scholars of Deobandi Wahaabi, and Tableeghi preaching groups believe that Allaah can tell a lie in my book then I have shown you all the four books which were quoted.