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Total Solar Irradiance (TSI in watts/m^2) incident to Earth's atmosphere is correlated to decrease (picoradians) is plotted. As the Earth slows in rotation, the effects of atmospheric blanket is coupled to the increasing solar irradiance. This space physics process is the external heating source for this planet.
Wate Vapor (H2Ov) NOT Carbon Dioxide (CO2), is the primary Greenhouse Gas (GHG); and combined with increased solar storm irradiance, combined with both Solar and Earth equatorial deceleration and Geo-Core increased joule heating from the decay of the Earth's geomagnetic field; results in planetary warming...for the Solar System.
Planetary Internal Heating Sources:
As the Earth's angular velocity decreases, the induced electrical currents within the conductive geo-core (rotating through the Sun's Interplanetary Field), also decreases. The magnetic field generated by these currents like wise decreases commensurate to the current density within the outer geo-core. The result is further induced currents as the geomagnetic field decreases (changes)...generating induced electrical currents in the opposite direction (also with associated magnetic fields) resulting the BREAKING Lenz Law Effects. The most dangerous aspect of these degradative processes is the LOSS of the charged particle field barrier supplied by the once very intense geomagnetic field...now dissipating with an approximate 700 year half-life. Charged particles from the Sun, inter-stellar and inter-galactic space increasing in flux through a decreasing geomagnetic field, via: Deflection Force = qE + qvxB; F, E, v and B are the force, electric field intensity, charged particle (protons + electrons), and magnetic field flux. As B decreases, so does F.
In Connection:
Global Temperature Variance as a Function of Increased Solar Storm frequency and intensity since 1881.
GLOBAL Land-Ocean Temperature Index in 0.01 degrees Celsius base period: 1951-1980
Sources: GHCN-v3 1880-10/2012 + SST: 1880-11/1981 HadISST1