
World's Best Disposable Razor Hack: See Video Description Box For Instructions

2014-05-30 62 Dailymotion

1: You will need a sealable glass jar large enough to put your razors in and ordinary household ammonia. Make sure the jar seals tightly and does not leak.
2: It's best to give your old razor(s) a good wash with soap and water to remove any dried shaving cream or hair stubble before putting them in the jar. Once you have them cleaned up, dry the razor(s) so that the water does not dilute the ammonia.
3: Put your razor(s), into the jar with the razor heads up and then pour in enough ammonia to reach about half way up the length of the handles.
4: Put the jar top on tightly, turn the jar upside down and shake the jar to help dislodge any old gunk.
5: NOW, turn the jar right side up and let the ammonia gas clean your blades. If you leave your jar in the bathroom you can give it an extra shake every now and then when you visit the bathroom.
6: Let your razors sit in the ammonia vapor for a few days before you use one. Leave your blades in the jar permanently and take one out as you need it.
7:IMPORTANT! Remember to rinse your razor before you use it to prevent getting ammonia vapor in your eyes. Also, when you finish shaving and admiring your smooth nick free skin just rinse off your blade, dry it well and put it back in jar to condition it for next day's shave. You may want to have a smaller jar of ammonia just for the razor you are currently using and use it daily instead of having to open the larger jar each day.
That's it! You now have a supply of sharp,fresh and hygienic razors. You are going to be saving money for a long time to come!
Enjoy Many More Comfortable Shaves and I Hope You Make Good Use Of Your Savings.

Important Safety Information
1: Never mix Ammonia and Bleach, the combination produces a poisonous gas.
2: Ammonia has many household uses but needs to be stored safely away from children and pets. Keep your ammonia jar safely out of reach of children and curious people who might open it and inhale the vapor by mistake.