
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Winner in Iraq Elections

2014-05-23 15 Dailymotion


Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Winner in Iraq Elections

Well, the official voting results of the Iraq elections are in! And, it is of NO surprise to me that Prime Minister Maliki has won 92 seats in the new Iraq government. I received a lot of negativity from naysayers with my prediction that PM Maliki would remain in office. Despite all that, I held my ground and stood confident in my knowledge of Iraq and how things work over there. The so-called “guru’s” in the Iraq community stood their ground that PM Maliki would lose. In fact, they were confident! I’ve said this before, and I will say this again, PM Maliki remains the best option to lead Iraq. Regardless of what has been said about him, he’s the lesser of two evil’s you might say. Apparently, the voters concur. What many need to understand is that, the majority of Iraqi’s are secular and do not want religion mixed in with the government. Hence, his victory. It is this reason that al-Hakim and al-Sadr received such a low voters turn out. This was all contrary to what was hyped up by the dinar guru’s. I further predict now that you are going to see a long drawn out posturing by the different political winners. Also, in time, you will see those political groups who opposed PM Maliki change their views. I’m confident that these political groups will accept, as well as support Nuri Maliki for his third term as Prime Minister.