
PLANE CRASH! - Minecraft Beautiful Survival Island - Ep.1

2014-05-23 133 Dailymotion

Stranded on a desert island! Need to survive!

Chroma Hills Server: CHROMAHILLS.NET
Texture Pack / Shaders / Island: http://www.chromahills.net
Animation by WinnieAnimations!: http://goo.gl/46ruXY

"Anno 2070 Theme Remix" by Plasma3music:

Chroma Hills Server: CHROMAHILLS.NET
This island is part of the Chroma Hills server and they put a huge amount of work into building it from scratch for me to play. Is a great hub network!:
| Factions & RPG
| Kit PvP
| Creative
Comment "Hero Kit Frankie!" in server chat for a chance to win one!

Custom Shaders by Sonic Ether exclusively for Chroma Hills Map Pack (for the bump mapping)!

Mods Used (1.7.2 / 1.7.4):
Lucky Block
Archimedes Ships
Backpack Mod
Chest Transporter
Eggy Goodness
Custom Mob Spawner
Craft Guide
Enchant View
Painting Selector
Glowstone Wire
Inventory Tweaks
Parachute Mod
Pet Bat
Whole Tree Axe

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