
Geophysical Time Bombs: Methane (CH4); Water Vapor (H20v); Carbon Dioxide (CO2), INCREASES

2014-05-23 41 Dailymotion

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http://bsmraark.blogspot.com/ [Noah's Ark Exact Coordinates on Mt. Ararat]
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Noah's Ark EXACT Coordinates: http://bsmresearchassociatesarknoah.blogspot.com/

Increasing geo-core and aesthenospheric (mantle) pressures from collapsing geomagnetic field (geo-core induced current joule heating), resulting in thermal transfer to continental shelf sedimentary deposits; also release through global distribution of hydrothermal vent complexes. NO ANTHROPOGENIC (factory emissions) CONNECTION. (Planetary heating increases are solar system wide.)
Total Solar Irradiance (TSI in watts/m^2) incident to Earth's atmosphere is correlated to decrease (picoradians) is plotted. As the Earth slows in rotation, the effects of atmospheric blanket is coupled to the increasing solar irradiance. This space physics process is the external heating source for this planet.

Water Vapor (H2Ov) NOT Carbon Dioxide (CO2), is the primary Greenhouse Gas (GHG); and combined with increased solar storm irradiance, combined with both Solar and Earth equatorial deceleration and Geo-Core increased joule heating from the decay of the Earth's geomagnetic field; results in planetary warming...for the Solar System.

Clifford Anthony Paiva on Blogger: http://bsmra.blogspot.com/