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Rafael Weber - Es tut mir leid

2007-04-24 12 Dailymotion


this song is available @ iTunes worldwide !

Rafael Weber sings about first touches and infinite passion; moments, when it’s best to say nothing at all. When it’s all about lust and desire and when there’s no need to think about a shared future. ”Kaffee oder Tee” tells the story in a candid and refreshingly unromantic way.

(german lyrics)Es wäre unverzeihlich wenn wir uns bald verlieren. Es wäre unbegreiflich, dass jetzt nicht mehr passiert. Doch es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass wir uns wieder sehen, denn nach dieser Nacht stehen wir auf und gehen. (Parting now would be unforgivable. Incomprehensible if nothing happened. We’ll never meet again, tomorrow we’ll part and walk away.)

Rafael lets his guitar scream and brawl when he expresses his pain as in “Therapie”. But there are also those songs that approach us with virtuosic tenderness. Songs such as “Wir laufen zusammen” and “Wo soll ich jetzt hin”.

Rafael covers the whole range of emotions. His topics include anger, hatred, passion, powerlessness, unconditional commitment and life as such. Sometimes you’re afraid that he’ll lose his way. Searching, asking, crying out for help. Rafael wants to find his way on his own. He has all the time in the world. It’s the privilege of the young generation not to be obliged to come up with all the answers at once.
Rafael Weber is a traveller; he’s in search of something. He’s watching and learning. He’s collecting experience to pass it on. And he already has a lot to tell.
Often enough, his answers spawn new questions. These questions lead to new journeys with unknown destinations.

Rafael invites us to join him.

this song is available @ iTunes - Worldwide !