Boxzle review.
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Boxzle review. Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of Boxzle on the eShop for the Nintendo 3DS developed and published by Pouncing Kitten Games.
If you combined the sliding-tile puzzle game with the Rubik’s Cube, you end up with a mess. It would also be pretty close to Boxzle. This clever puzzle game combines a few familiar puzzler concepts into one unique experience. Each puzzle is a cube, and each of the four sides is like its own sliding-tile puzzle. The game includes three different gameplay modes, offering traditional tile gameplay, the Rubik’s Cube like twisting mode and an insanely challenging mode that combines both of them. If you’re looking for a good challenge, Boxzle certainly has it. The game features 120 individual puzzles, each one a gorgeous photograph of a natural scene. Animals, plants and oceans, oh my! Boxzle is a single-player puzzle game available for download in the eShop.
This video review features video gameplay footage of Boxzle on the eShop for the Nintendo 3DS and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.